Motorcycle Safety is No Accident



Summertime is in effect and marching season is right around the corner.  But instead of focusing on a bunch of idiots in silly costumes engaging in antisocial behaviour and potentially dangerous activities, let’s talk about motorcycle enthusiasts.

I’ll assume that if you are one of these folk, that you already know and obey the rules of the road, and are well aware that there is no greater danger to you than the oblivious automobile driver. Always assume that no one sees or hears you. Also, ride safe and sober at all times.

Now that the obvious is out of the way, here are some safe riding reminders:


Proper riding attire: While the young woman in the photo above has remembered her helmet, she is wearing it incorrectly. Also, in the even that she lays her bike down, her clothing may not protect her from road burn.


This more experienced rider knows that leather is still the best protection, but is wearing neither sensible footwear nor a helmet. Dress for the road from head to toe!


Be aware of both existing and new road rules.


For those of you born after 1998, this is what a border crossing looks like.  (I time travelled to 2018 to take this photo on the Donegal/Derry border.) Always have your papers ready, and for fuck’s sake, keep your hands visible at all times! Expect long delays.


Respect the neighborhoods you ride through. 


Examples of gang patches include the following:

anything with this—


or this—



Ride safely my friends, and may the wind be ever at your backs.

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37 Responses to Motorcycle Safety is No Accident

  1. calmkate says:

    as a rider about to return to motorised wheels this is indeed invaluable advice 🙂 been reduced to pedal power for sometime now so looking forward to the upgrade … are you implying that I should cover all body bits lol 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I travelled on the back of one of those things. Once.

    Liked by 1 person

    • oglach says:

      The story of my own first try on a motorcycle would make for entertaining reading, but the ensuing embarrassment I would feel would likely kill me. 🙂 Thanks for reading, Derrick.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. incarceratedshadows says:

    A wonderful post Oglach.
    Always be on the lookout for those Union Jacks. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. LOL! That woman in leather looks like she did a face plant on cement. She kinda looks hogtied, too… scary!! What is proper attire for men? I like those leather chaps with their butt cheeks exposed — do you wear those, Og?

    Liked by 2 people

    • oglach says:

      Yeah, absolutely. And I sit on my bike like I’m doing it a favour. Do you like motorcycles, Rose?

      • Bwhahaha! I like the speed, but I can’t stand the noise. I do enjoy tucking a guy between my legs. LOL! 😀 😀 Do you ride them?

        Liked by 1 person

      • oglach says:

        I’m not supposed to ride any more, which is a shame because I love the feeling of freedom you get from a bike. But I may just have to add that advice to the “ignore” bin. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • oglach says:

        Head injury a few years ago, which was initially diagnosed as “just another concussion”. Turned out to be quite a bit more serious than that. I’m still undergoing treatment, but I have a positive attitude about it. (Now.)

        Liked by 3 people

      • Damn. I had no idea. xo I was wondering about this post and the emphasis on safety. Um, were you wearing a helmet?

        I’m having trouble with my mouse and can’t click on the Like button. I’m sorry if you’re getting bombarded by the clicks 😦

        Liked by 1 person

      • oglach says:

        It’s something I’ve wanted to tell you about for a long time, but I’ll save the details for elsewhere. It was a boring injury, not motorcycle related but very scary. Life-changing, hopefully in a good way. The post itself is just a joke. I was trying to write a piece about marching season for my blog while also writing an article about the most dangerous roads in Ireland for another site. Neither was going anywhere. I mashed them together out of frustration and got a laugh. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • Well, you have my email, and you must know that you can send me a message whenever you’d like. You’ve certainly piqued my curiosity! I’m glad you’re strong enough to see the accident in a positive light and that you’re getting better.

        You have another blog?

        Liked by 2 people

      • oglach says:

        No, just this one. I write the odd freelance piece every now and then.
        I’ll e-mail you sometime soon. Thanks a million for the kind and encouraging words—as always. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • That’s cool you do freelance!
        Yes, please write soon. Thanks for sharing, Oggy.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. ‘Always have your papers ready, and for fuck’s sake, keep your hands visible at all times.’ Oh my lord, this post made me laugh so much. Thanks, mate.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. that hashtag tho. the song instantly played in my head.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Long ago (when people were fussier about “proper attire” and interesting news items were only saved if somebody took scissors to newsprint), an elderly woman showed up for jury duty wearing denim jeans. The judge said she should come back in a dress appropriate for a courtroom. The woman replied that her only way to get to court was on her motorcycle, and that what the judge thought proper would be anything but, if worn while riding her bike. Dunno whether she was seated on the jury with the jeans or was excused from the whole business. Neglected to save the news item, but this post jogged my memory.

    Liked by 1 person

    • oglach says:

      That would be a novel excuse for avoiding jury duty, but it really is no joke to ride without proper attire. Not long ago I saw a guy flying down the street on what was an excessively powerfulbike for him. He was wearing flip flops, shorts and a baseball cap. (Backward, naturally.) Even a slight spill could have been a disaster for him.
      My own grandmother rode a motorcycle when such a thing was beyond scandalous. She was proud of it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. So motere and rhyme wisely through those streets….and beware those gangs of Shakespearean actors!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. In our country, road rage is one of the main reasons for bike accidents. Besides, many young people don’t wear helmets…
    I love the spirit of freedom and speed that comes with the bike. But maintaining the rules in every way is really important….

    Liked by 1 person

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